On occasion of the International Elder’s Day a solemn ceremony “Elders who passed a long and glorious road is a model for youth” was held with the participation of elder teachers in the conference hall of the Turkmen state Architecture and Construction institute
As the President noted in his book “The Source of Wisdom”, leaked from the gem of wisdom: “If there aren’t elders, there aren’t youth”, elders in our country are treated with great respect. Annually, on the 1st of October under the leadership of our esteemed President International Elder’s Day is widely celebrated. International Elder’s Day takes respectable place having rich spiritual values, humanitarian relationship, strengthening unity and friendship among generation. The advice of our wise elders, who have gained rich life experience, our dear mothers, who are form the basis of the family hearth, hard work, kindness, patriotism and humanity, pure morality, love for the Motherland, love for people, love and respect for unity is a deep honoring school.
During the festive events, the management of our institute congratulated the elder teachers working at our institute with the International Elder’s Day and presented them with holiday gifts. Then the elder teachers who won the jubilee medal on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the glorious Independence of our Esteemed President expressed their sincere pride. During the ceremony, the Oguzlar musical ensemble of the institute played beautiful music, praising our elderly mothers and fathers.