
The Turkmen Polytechnic Institute goes back to the technical faculty of the former Turkmen State University. BasBina In 1955, in addition to the specialty "Engineering and geological", the Technical Faculty began training highly qualified engineers in the fields of "Industrial and Civil Construction", "Water Supply and Sewerage". In 1960, in addition to the technical faculty, three more new faculties were established: “Oil”, “Engineering and Construction”, and “Mechanical and Energy”. The Turkmen Polytechnic Institute was established on September 1, 1963 in accordance with the decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Turkmenistan and the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Turkmenistan of June 14, 1963 for No. 304. The structure of the institute consisted of 4 faculties and 26 departments.

In 2012, the Turkmen Polytechnic Institute was closed and two new higher education institutions were established: Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute and the Turkmen State Institute of Oil and Gas. The Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute (TSACI), established in accordance with the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan “On the Establishment of the Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute” No. PP-6680 of May 25, 2012, is one of the leading educational and scientific research institutes. The main task of the institute is to prepare highly qualified specialists based on the world experience of developed countries and to provide engineering personnel for such sectors of the national economy as construction, industry, energy, and the chemical industry.

Currently, about 3,000 students in 7 faculties and 26 departments of the institute receive modern education in 9 areas and 29 specialties.

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