Student life

In the institute educational work with students actively is conducted, the purpose of which is the formation of a comprehensively developed, holistic personality, adapted in the modern information space, as a citizen of his country. Work is underway to develop students' scientific, creative abilities, and a desire for a healthy lifestyle. BasBina

The student scientific society is actively working at the institute. Student scientific conferences are held annually, including in a foreign language. Our students participate in scientific and practical conferences, olympiads in relevant specialties of various levels. Based on the results of conferences, the Institute publishes collections of scientific student papers. Senior students are active participants in inter-university scientific and practical conferences, make presentations and scientific reports.

The institute has all the necessary conditions for the organization of modern student education and extracurricular activities, life and leisure.

In their free time, students engage in literary, artistic and creative work, creative meetings with cultural and artistic figures. The institute has a dance troupe "Bagtyyarlyk Binasy".

The Student Club is the organizer of the institute holidays dedicated to the Day of Knowledge and Student Youth, the New Year's Eve, March 8, etc. The Institute has a Cultural Center. With great desire, our talents participate in creative youth festivals and competitions at various levels.

The group performs publicly at various events. The "Bagtyyarlyk binasy" band is able to win the hearts of its fans with modern and folk songs. These groups are also actively involved in celebrations across the country. The students of the institute take an active part in the "Talyp Joshguny" and "Talyp Gozeli" competitions held between universities, which are held among the students of the higher educational institutions of the country.

Attracting to sports, one of the main directions of educational work. At the institute, a strong volleyball team "Binyagar" consisting of boys and girls students.

Student schools

Durning Revival of the New Era of a Powerful State, the conditions created by the President for the betterment of the living conditions of the student youth, the organization of their studies and cultural recreation are created. BasBina Currently, the institute has 3 dormitories, which are equipped with a heating system, kitchen, laundry, workshop and "Bagtyyarlyk" room. In the room "Bagtyyarlyk" the necessary conditions for reading the books of the esteemed President, periodicals, information about international events are created.

Every year competitions are held for the "Best Student Room" and "The Best Dormitory of the Faculty." Winners are awarded with diplomas and valuable gifts. The results of the competition and photos of the winners are posted on the educational portal and on the institute's website.

Implementing the instructions of the respected President of Turkmenistan on the introduction of digital education in the educational process, an educational portal has been created at the institute, which is successfully used by all students and the entire faculty. The educational portal of the institute is a publicly accessible modern digital educational information tool that is available in all hostel buildings.

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