At the Open Championship of Turkmenistan in athletics which was held on November 8-11, 2020, together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy of Turkmenistan, the Hakimlik of Ashgabat and the Athletics Federation of Turkmenistan students of our institute participated and have successfully won prizes.
Alisher Sadulayev, the 4th year student of the faculty of Computer Technologies and Automation of the Turkmen state Architecture and Construction institute, took the I place in the 60 meters race, and Aziza Baltaeva, the 1st year student of the faculty of Mechanical Engineering, took the III place in the long jump, Mekan Agamuradov, the 4th year student of the faculty of Chemical Technology took the III place and were awarded certificates, trophies, medals, valuable gifts.