

On September 1, 2023, at the Rukhyet Palace in the city of Arkadag, Chairman of the People's Council of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave a lecture of historical and political significance, which touched upon the topics of national and cultural heritage, folk art, literature, history, economic, political and cultural development of our country. Based on the important aspects of the lecture, on the occasion of the International Day of Neutrality, the Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction held the institute stage of the scientific competition “ARKADAGYŇ ÝÖRELGESI – NUSGALYK GÖRELDE” among students of higher and secondary vocational educational institutions of the country, organized by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

In an interesting competition, first place was taken by 1st year student of the Faculty of Computer Technologies and Automation, specialty “Information Security” Ejesh Mammetovezova with the topic “Scientific and innovative method of creating architectural objects carefully preserved in our intangible cultural heritage”, second place was taken by 3rd year student of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of the specialty "Electricity" Gayipgeldi Gurbandurdyev with the topic "Outstanding personalities of Turkmen literature in the year of happy youth with Arkadag Serdar" and third place was taken by 1st year student of the Faculty of Economics and Management, specialty “Expertise and Real Estate Management” Oguldzhemal Durdyeva with the topic “Arkadag and Fragi - the fate of different eras”. The winners were awarded diplomas.

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