
What is the true meaning of circularity?

On October 11, 2023, as part of Digital Week, a seminar was held at the Polytechnic University of Milan on the topic “What is the true meaning of recycling (cyclicality)? Beverage packaging as an example.” As part of the Cooperation Agreement between the Polytechnic University of Milan and the Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute, students and teachers of the Faculty of Chemical Technology took an active part in this event.

The event, organized by the Polytechnic University of Milan, also featured speakers from Brunel University London, the University of Southern Denmark, and scientists from Wageningen Research University.

Cyclicality is a well-established concept in public debate, but it nevertheless remains a broad concept that requires clear definition. The speakers clearly explained the problem of cyclicality using the example of plastic recycling. Scientists are committed to the view that the cyclical plays a huge role in the development of any state, recognizing the environmental significance within the framework of the concept of sustainable development.

Such events help broaden their horizons and acquire new knowledge, in particular in the field of “industrial ecology,” which will undoubtedly help students in their future professional activities.

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