

Recently, an event entitled “Makhtumkuli Fragi - the unquenchable light of the human soul” was held, dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly Fragi, organized by branches (Ata Govshudov Library and Garadamak Town Library) of the Centralized Library of the Ashgabat City Culture Department together with the Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute.

The meeting was attended by senior teacher of our institute Orazgul Berdyeva, student of our institute Shanazar Kadyrov, librarian of the 2nd category of the library branch of Ata Govshudova of the Centralized Libraries of the Department of Culture of the city of Ashgabat Merjen Atdayeva, TV presenter and program director of the Ashgabat TV channel Aigul Charyeva.

The meeting participants spoke about the valuable works of our wise poet, the poems he wrote on the topic of exhortation, and advice of comprehensive significance that is important for all humanity. As part of the meeting, an exhibition was organized dedicated to the books of our Arkadag, the wise poet Magtymguly Fragi.

The meeting and exhibition became a sign of the implementation of the activities planned in the “Road Map” of the Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute in honor of the 300th anniversary of the birth of the poet of the East, the great thinker and classicist Magtymguly Fragi. The event left a pleasant impression on the participants.

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