
International lecture

On October 4, 2023, at the Faculty of Chemical Technology of the Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute, another lecture was held remotely by the associate professor of the Department of “Informatics and Computer Design” of the Russian Chemical Technology University named after D.I. Mendeleev F.S. Sovetin, on the topic “Modeling of chemical and technological processes”.

As per the action plan outlined in the Cooperation Agreement between the Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute and the Russian Chemical-Technological University named after D.I. Mendeleev, every week our students attend F.S. Sovetin’s lectures with great enthusiasm and interest.

Such events primarily contribute to the development of intercultural ties and the expansion of relations in the field of science and education. This includes the exchange of valuable pedagogical experience and cooperation in order to increase the level of education of young scientists, teachers, and students, which contributes to their involvement in independent research work in various fields of knowledge and the formation of a new level of professional competence.

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