

On October 24, 2023, the opening of the XIII All-Russian science festival “Science 0+” took place at the site of the Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

The Science Festival is a platform for developing projects for schoolchildren, students and young scientists. For the 13th time it is organized by the Council of Young Scientists of NNGASU with the support of the leadership of the university and Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

Such events primarily contribute to the development of intercultural ties and the expansion of relations in the field of science and education. This includes the exchange of valuable pedagogical experience and cooperation in order to increase the level of education of young scientists, teachers, and students, which contributes to their involvement in independent research work in various fields of knowledge and the formation of a new level of professional competence.

These events are becoming an innovative practice of international inter-university cooperation. Cooperation between universities in the CIS countries is now reaching a new level through the creation and development of interstate associations. This is another example of inter-university cooperation within the framework of the International Association of Construction Higher Education Institutions.

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