

From October 22 to October 29, 2023, the II Al-Khorezmi International Mathematical Olympiad was held in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Students of our institute also took part in the Olympiad, which was held in the city of Nukus.

The results achieved at such International Olympiads are of great importance in fulfilling the main tasks set for us by the President of Turkmenistan to educate ambitious young people capable of managing innovative technologies, who have high scientific potential for modernizing the country’s education system.

Students of the Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction also took an active part in the II Al-Khorezmi International Mathematical Olympiad. Four students from our institute took part in this competition and three of them took third place.

5th year student of the specialty “Economics and Management” Kadyrberdi Annabaev, 3rd year student of the specialty “Industrial and Civil Construction” Nagym Tanrygulyev and 3rd year student of the specialty “Expertise and Real Estate Management” Muhammetmyrat Gochmyradov took third place and were awarded the corresponding diplomas.

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