
On May 25-27, 2023, the Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute took an active part in the first Eurasian Symposium of Architecture, Urbanism and Design "ESAUD - 2023" held on the basis of the Kyrgyz State Technical University. I.Razzakova (Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek)

Such events contribute to the creation of an integrated platform for the exchange of knowledge and discussion of current achievements and challenges in the field of architecture, urban planning and design, taking into account modern requirements and trends such as sustainable development, climate change, environmental security, digital transformation and economic efficiency.

The Symposium also promotes the development and implementation of promising ideas, proposals and recommendations for the development of innovative approaches and technologies in educational and professional activities, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary cooperation, social responsibility, inclusiveness and accessibility in the field of architecture, urban planning and design.

An important aspect of the symposium is to promote international cooperation and exchange of experience to expand the capabilities of professionals and organizations working in this field, as well as to promote the formation of common strategies and approaches aimed at improving the quality of life and well-being of people in different regions of the world.

Within the framework of the SYMPOSIUM, an International Scientific and Practical Conference (8 sections) was organized, aimed at the exchange of knowledge, experience and ideas between the participants. The conference included presentations and reports from leading experts and scientists on topical issues of architecture, design and urban planning. The best works will be published in the journal Izvestia "KSTU named after I. Razzakov" (Theoretical and Applied Scientific and Technical Journal). As a result of the conference, all participants were given certificates of participation in the Symposium.

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