The Scientific and Technical Library is a structural subdivision of the Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute (TSACI).
The main activities Library:
- - library assists the institute in achieving high quality student learning, in developing the scientific and innovative activities of the institute by forming a library fund in accordance with the institute profile, educational programs and information needs of users;
- - expanding the range of information and bibliographic services provided to users by large and specialized libraries;
- - promotion of information and bibliographic knowledge through individual conversations with students; selection, acquisition, systematization of the fund;
- - prompt receipt of information and maximum availability of funds for the main user groups;
- - providing the possibility of effective information retrieval of documents, both in print and in electronic forms; ensuring the safety of funds;
- - informing about the services provided by the library, etc.
Information and library support for the educational and research activities of TSACI:
- - operational library and information-bibliographic services for users of documents and electronic resources differentially, for various branches of knowledge and types of publications, in reading rooms and on subscription;
- - consulting users, the implementation of all types of certificates;
- - interaction with faculties, departments and research units of the institute in order to inform about services, library resources and promotion of services, as well as information support of educational, innovative and scientific works;
- - individual information services for teachers, staff and graduate students;
- - providing information on new arrivals, on electronic resources available in the library, on the procedure for access to them;
- - electronic delivery of documents and IBA services.
Contact Information:
- Address: 744025, Ashgabat, st. Baba Annanov, building 136, Library. Phone: (+99312) 28-18-28 Fax: (+99312) 28-18-01