

On August 15-16, 2024, the national team of Turkmenistan took part in the Sambo World Cup Championship, held in the city of Cholpan-Ata, Kyrgyz Republic. The presence of students of the Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute in the national team causes a sense of pride among all employees of our institute. The 1 gold, 2 silver, 7 bronze medals won by our national team increased the sense of pride of the Turkmen people towards young men and women.

And the fact that out of 7 silver medals, 2 medals were won by our students, is a clear indication that our institute pays great attention not only to science and education, but also to sports. Our athletes - a 1st-year student of group "B" in the specialty "Electricity" of the Engineering and Mechanical Faculty, Bayramov Babamurat Bayram oglu, competed in the weight category up to 58 kg, won a bronze medal in sambo and took 3rd place, as well as a 1st-year student in the specialty "Cartography and Geoinformatics", the Faculty of Road Construction, Kerimov Kerim Parakhadovich, competed in the weight category up to 71 kg in combat sambo, was also awarded a bronze medal and took 3rd place. We wish our student-athletes further success.

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