

On March 15, 2024, the conference "Gahryman Arkadagymyzyň eserleri - ýaşlaryň ýol - ýörelgesidir" was held at the Turkmen State Architectural and Construction Institute, imbued with the valuable works of Hero Arkadag, with the aim of instilling in youth a love for books, creating patriotic feelings, respect for national heritage, love for work.

Professors, teachers, students noted the educational significance of the book "Ömrümiň manysynyň dowamaty," the patriotic significance of the books "Ýaşlar - Watanyň daýanjy," "Döwlet guşy," the historical significance of the book "Älem içre at gezer," love for the Motherland, respect for nationality in the speeches of the seminar participants on the topics "Ak şäherim Aşgabat."

The participants of the conference expressed their deep gratitude to the National Leader of the Turkmen People Hero Arkadag and the highly respected Hero President for the great trust in young people, the comfortable living conditions created.

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