Recently, the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, together with the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan and the Central Council of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly, organized a creative festival at the Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute entitled “The Fount of the Mind of Magtymguly Fragi” with the participation of higher educational institutions of the country.
According to the conditions, the creative festival includes an artistic portrayal of Magtymguly Fraga in the works of our Hero Arkadag, a monologue, an artistic reading of Magtymguly Fragi’s poems, performance of folk songs, staging of excerpts from the poet’s works, artistic reading of poems by young poets “Pyragynyň waspy ýaşlaň dilinde”, performance of literary musical compositions praising the work of Magtymguly Fragi during the revival of a new era of a stable state. The youth of our institute adequately showed their skills in the conditions of the festival.
The performances deemed the most interesting will be included in the state-level creativity festival, which will be held from March 15 to 20, 2024.