Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute together with the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, On March 13, 2024, the Central Council of the Makhtumkuli Youth Organization of Turkmenistan organized an architectural and design creative competition called "Berkarar döwletiň täze eýýamynyň Galkynyşy döwründe milli binagärligiň ösüşi" for students and students of all educational institutions, young teachers, young people employed in ministries and departmental governing bodies of the country, in honor of the year "Storehouse of the Mind of Mahtumkuli Fragi" and the National Spring Festival of Novruz.
The architectural design creative exhibition competition was held with the aim of providing proposals for the preparation of unique, national and innovative architectural projects, as well as instilling in the country's youth creativity, improving national architecture and urban planning activities, in order to identify talented youth capable of independently solving complex issues in different industries.
More than 100 projects took part in the competition. Distinguished scientific projects were awarded diplomas and incentive prizes.