In accordance with the Order of the President of Turkmenistan No. PB -713 dated February 23, 2024, during the Revival of a new epoch of the Stable State, taking into account the great merits of our women in the prosperity of the country and the implementation of reforms, as well as the fact that they are raising a devoted, healthy and energetic generation of our Motherland, continuing the ancient traditions of our ancestors of respect for our dear mothers and sisters, in accordance with the resolution “On the provision of cash gifts to the women of the country on the occasion of International Women’s Day,” a ceremony was held at the Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute to present cash gifts to teachers and students.
During the festive ceremony, which was accompanied by music, congratulatory speeches were made by the vice-rector of the Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute Meylis Babaev and the head of the trade union committee of the institute Ilaman Myradov.