Computer Computing Center
The main activities of the computer computing center
The computer computing center (CCC) is a structural unit of the Turkmen State Architectural and Construction Institute (hereinafter referred to as the Institute) and provides information and technical support to the educational process, research, administrative and managerial activities of the Institute on the basis of modern information technologies.
The main objective of the CCC is the introduction and maintenance of modern information technologies to ensure effective work in the main areas of the institute's activities.
CCC is intended for:
- - ensuring the educational process in computer classes;
- - maintenance of computer equipment in the departments of the institute;
- - drawing up specifications for the purchase of computer equipment and supplies for printers and copiers the institute;
- - automation of the management services of the institute;
- - internal audit of computers;
- - advanced training of teachers and employees of the institute.
CCC production activities:
- - providing the educational process in the computer classes of the center, maintaining in working condition the computing equipment and office equipment used in the training sessions;
- - maintenance of hardware and software that are in operation of the university units and listed on the balance of the center;
- - management of applied and specialized software for all departments;
- - collecting applications and drawing up specifications for the supply of computer equipment to all departments of the institute for the purchase of computer equipment;
- - provision of work related to the automation of the various services of the institute, the introduction of new systems and the maintenance of existing ones;
- - maintenance and development of the computer base of the CCC, development and implementation of advanced, more advanced working methods;
- - accounting for the acquisition of computer technology at a university, transfer of equipment to other units, decommissioning of equipment;
- - collecting applications, drawing up specifications for the purchase of consumables for printers, multifunction devices and photocopiers for all departments of the institute, refilling cartridges;
- - advice and assistance to faculties and departments in the repair and maintenance of computer technology;
- - ensuring laboratory and practical classes with students of the entire university, course and diploma design, Internet access in the computer classes of the center;
- - advanced training of teachers and employees of the institute in the field of information technology.
CCC economic activities:
- - the provision of services to organizations for training in computer technology, the development of programming languages, the study of networks;
- - the provision of information and computer services to students, teachers, and employees to carry out work on computer equipment and work on the Internet;
- - computer testing of students on the equipment of the CCC;
- - the provision of typing, typesetting, printing of texts and drawings on a printer and plotter, scanning;
- - provision of photocopying services.
The main tasks of the CCC:
- - analysis, expert evaluation of new information technologies and development of proposals for their use in the educational process, administrative and economic activities and the research work of the institute;
- - control over the use of computer classes TSACI during classes and during free access for students;
- - development and implementation of new information technologies in the educational process (computerization of training);
- - support of the educational process in computer classes;
- - providing Internet access;
- - design and implementation of local computer networks.
- - participation in the development of regional computer networks and providing access to global computer networks, as well as regional programs related to the centralized use of computer technology;
- - ensuring the optimal use of the computing power of the institute;
- - ensuring the effective operation of a constantly operating software product support service (developing recommendations on the use, training and consulting of employees, faculty and students).
- - maintenance and repair of computer equipment;
- - development and maintenance of the institute’s digital control system.
Contact Information:
- Address: 744025, Ashgabat, st. Baba Annanov, building 136, “G”, floor 3, cab. 318. Phone: (+99312) 28-18-33 Fax: (+99312) 28-18-01