

On August 31, 2024, a ceremonial event was held with the participation of young people - winners of the Olympiads held at the international level, organized by the Public Organization of Turkmenistan.

The Turkmen state successfully participated in the International Olympiad in Mathematics, organized by the University College London of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the American University of the Republic of Bulgaria from August 5 to 11, 2024 in the city of Blagoevgrad, Republic of Bulgaria. Speakers, Annabayev Kadyrberdi Selimberdiyevich, a 5th-year student studying in the specialty "Economics and Management" of the Architectural and Civil Engineering Institute took 1st place and received a gold medal, and Gochmyradov Muhammetmyrat Dovletmyradovich, a 3rd-year student studying in the specialty "Real Estate Assessment and Management" took 3rd place and received a bronze medal. Young people were presented with valuable gifts from the Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan.

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